With weight gain and obesity plaguing our society, it is no surprise that people are looking for the fastest weight loss program they can participate in. The fastest program may be available in books, in weight loss centers, and the world's biggest information database: the internet. However, despite the increasing amount of programs online, only a few were able to provide results to their clients and participants. No crash diets The fastest weight loss program you can find online should not cause your body to go on a diet shock. The shock happens when your metabolism drops. The quicker you lose weight, the quicker your metabolism drops especially if you do not exercise. Some diet programs involve starvation diets that are actually dangerous. No easy way You must remember that there is no easy way to lose weight. You should be wary of an online diet program that claims to be the fastest weight loss program. If you feel that it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Furthermore, some weight loss programs that promise quick fixes are only good for short-term weight loss. Making your choice Some online weight loss programs are free while some may require you to pay before you can participate in them. In choosing which one is best for you, you should remember to use sound judgment and review their benefits, customer testimonials, and their methods for weight loss. Personalized The fastest weight loss program online should be able to give you a weight loss plan that can cater to your individual needs. The programs should also be able to provide you with counseling and guidance when you need them. The weight loss program should also be able to provide you with long-term results that are influenced by changes in your lifestyle (i.e. eating healthier foods and more physical activity). Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phillip_England |
Friday, November 16, 2007
Weight Loss - The Skinny on The Fastest Weight Loss Program On The Internet
Monday, November 12, 2007
Weight Loss - Make A Fast Weight Loss Diet Your Own
What is an effective fast weight loss diet for one may not necessarily yield the same results for you. As such, looking for a fast weight loss diet is sometimes merely a matter of finding what suits you best. To help you in your search however, it is still best to take into consideration what works for others. While not entirely suited for you, you will at least have an idea of what kinds of diets work, and how they work. Based from what you gather from other people's experiences, it might even be possible for you to make a weight loss diet designed to specifically address your weight loss needs. Healthy diet and regular physical activity While one fast weight loss diet may have different components compared to another, healthy diet and regular physical activity is indispensable for both. When creating a meal plan and an exercise regimen, always take into consideration the level you are currently in. If you haven't been eating vegetables in a while, you may need to focus on increasing your vegetable intake. The same principle applies to an exercise regimen. If you are not used to walking more than a hundred feet everyday, don't make an exercise regimen that pushes you to jog several kilometers in one go. After you've gotten accustomed to eating healthier and engaging in more physical activity, don't forget to step it up. Make all changes gradual still, however. And before long, you'll be seeing results you've been dreaming of for a long time. Read labels While not entirely part of a fast weight loss diet, reading labels can help affect your diet in general. For one, reading labels inform you on how many calories a particular food item contains. Take note that for packaged foods, calories provided are measured per serving, and not the whole container. Check to see how many servings are there in one pack, and multiply that with the number of calories provided to get the total for the whole pack. Another thing to consider about calories: check calories from fat. A food item may not necessarily be high in calories to be fattening. The nearer the amount of calories from fat are with the total number of calories, the more fattening that particular food item is. Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phillip_England |
Weight Loss - The Skinny on the Weight Loss Fad Diet
A weight loss fad diet is commonly believed by its practitioners to help in the improvement of their health. A typical weight loss fad diet is often promoted through published books and articles about it, while others sell their special supplements and ingredients that should be incorporated in the diet itself. However, some of these diets do not have any legitimate medical or scientific study backing up the claims. Unhealthy? Weight loss experts who try weight loss fad diet varieties state that these can be unhealthy especially if you cannot stick to one. Since they are termed "fad", chances are, they are only good for a certain period of time. If a person jumps from one weight loss fad diet to another, then it can be unhealthy for them since the body is exposed to several risk factors involving the diet, which can even result to more weight gain. Categories There are 3 categories where a weight loss fad diet can be identified. These categories determine what kind of dieting is being promoted: Extreme diets A weight loss fad diet can contribute to a person's lack of energy, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, and lack of nutrients. These diets can also contribute to a lot of nutritional disorders especially if they are enforced on children. In fact, parents who force children to participate in fad diets to the point of having nutritional disorders is considered as child abuse. Claims A typical weight loss fad diet can only be supported by partly scientific claims. In other words, these diets claim to be very scientific but they never follow the standard scientific methods for proving their effectiveness and validity. Some of the limitations when it comes to scientific claims of fad diets are the following: A lack of knowledge Some people from scientific and medical communities often remark that fad diets are a result of the lack of knowledge on dietary and nutritional facts in the scientific sense. According to them, there is a lack of evidence on weight loss due to calorie restriction. Furthermore, there is a lack of evidence supporting the claims that fad diets can help achieve and maintain sustainable weight loss. Also, they point out that these diets ignore the necessary associations between human health and dietary and nutritional patterns. Examples of fad diets An example of one of the most marketed and well-known diets is the Atkins Nutritional Approach. Plainly known as the Atkins Diet or simply Atkins, it was developed by Dr. Robert Atkins in the 60's because he came across a diet from the Journal of the American Medical Association to be able to resolve his own weight problems. Since the publication of its diet books, the Atkins diet is one of the most popular low-carb diets in the list of what people consider as fad diets. The diet consists of carbohydrate restriction to switch the body's metabolism to burn stored body fat instead of glucose. It also restricts net carbs, which are carbohydrates that contribute effects on a person's blood sugar. Foods to be eaten when participating in the Atkins diet are unprocessed foods with low glycemic content. South Beach diet Another example of a weight loss fad diet is the South Beach diet. It emphasizes on consuming good fats and good carbs, and it was developed by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston for his cardiac patients based on his scientific research on dieting. The diet has 3 phases which gives importance to the minimizing of the consumption of the bad carbohydrates and bad fats that can lead to cardiovascular and other health complications. Jenny Craig weight loss According to sources, the Jenny Craig Weight Management Program does not have any formal nutritional and exercise training. However, their clients have one-on-one counseling with consultants who are composed of health professionals and nutritionists. Members are given the chance to join any of the many plans and then buy pre-packaged foods developed by the company itself. Members are still given the option to eat non-Jenny Craig foods at some days of the week. The goal of the diet is to promote a change in eating habits and lifestyle so by the time they reach their ideal weight, they can stop relying on the Jenny Craig food, menu, and consultations. Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phillip_England |
Weight Loss - Lose Your Belly Fat & Get Six Pack Abs - 4 Things You MUST Learn & Know
I Learned that the food we eat can have huge affects on how our body works. Some diets which are meant to help us to lose weight are actually stimulating hormones in our body to store fat and can be very dangerous to our bodies. There are key foods which unlock fat burning hormones in our bodies, this is the way to know how to keep yourself healthy and slim. Losing weight could not be made any easier-- all one needs to do is to eat the correct foods. Exercise is a great way to keep healthy, I personally only exercise 1 1/2 hour per week. By eating the right healthy foods I am able to keep my toned body with barely any exercise. If you use the right foods and use more intense workouts you can achieve a perfect muscled body. Know a routine that will make you lose weight or build muscle weather your male or female. I am going to tell you about the true problems of unhealthy foods and how you can learn more about eating healthy and staying in shape. Many diets out there are not good for you, I learned secrets to burning fat with healthy foods which allowed me to loose weight, keep fit and healthy. I have been eating health for the past 2 years and have felt great for doing it with more energy. We all should know food is good for us, it is knowing the right stable diet of these foods which will make huge changes to our body. Helping it work properly and making you healthy while losing weight and with exercise achieve a body not only healthy but strong. The Four Tips That Work 1. Eating foods which help your body to promote fat burning and weight loss, foods are the strongest weapon against losing weight. Using some weight loss products may not be doing what you think they should, instead it promotes your body to hold on to food and store as fat. 2. Exercising is a great way to lose weight but some exercises can be doing yourself harm. Old fashioned exercises that actually damage our bodies. Learn safe easy exercises that will work to lose that belly or build 6 pack abs. 3. No taking fat loss pills, pills may have worked for some people but they are not natural and can damage our bodies. Tablets never cure a problem they only cover it up in order to treat the root of weight loss using health foods works every time. 4. Learning to create a routine for exercising, but be healthy and fit doing different activates. Walking, Running, Climbing, Camping, Swimming there are thousands of ways to keep fit instead of doing the same exercises over and over. Have fun in life To learn more about fat burning foods CLICK HERE! I personally use this system and love it, as I have very little time on my hands. This is a way for me to get the most out of my body, and not feel guilty as i did before about not being in shape which can have a very negative affect on your personallity. I personally felt ugly and to feel like that about yourself is not right. But now i am so positive in all aspects of life. So if you feel unhappy about your health, weight or want to build muscle and look the way you want I would definity sugjest this system for you. Click Here More Infomation! Thank you and i hope you achive what you want out of life. Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Damian_Power |
Weight Loss - How You Can Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals
Do you know what the biggest factor will be in meeting your weight loss goals? The type of diet plan you're on? Maybe the kinds of food you eat? No, it's not either in achieving any weight loss goal will be your level of motivation. Here's why. Unfortunately, the reason most people fail with anything in life is mainly due to motivation. This is so true when it comes to diet and weight loss. Sure, most overweight people start out with only the best of intentions. But after a few days, or even a few weeks, it becomes hard to continue. You start seeing the TV commercials for every type of fast food, pizza and soda in existence. Soon enough, you cave in and start with just a small snack. Then things go from bad to worse and you are back at square one. So how can you stay motivated to lose weight in the face of the temptation to quit? I believe the key is with finding your "why" for wanting to lose weight. Why do you want to lose 10-20-30 or more pounds? Is it so you can fit into that new suit or dress? Those new jeans you've always wanted? Only you know your reason why, but the point here is to take your "why" and make it front and center everyday ay if you need to. I give this example on my blog, but what helped keep me motivated to meet my weight loss goal was just a pair of blue jeans. That's right, blue jeans! I bought a pair of blue jeans that were too small at the time and used them for motivation. I loved this pair of jeans and knew they would look great on me if I just lost the weight to get in them. Whenever I felt like giving up and going back to my old eating habits, I would get the jeans out and go back to my "why". Visualizing a weight loss goal or any other goal in life is very powerful. If you can see it, you can have it. I know this may seem so simple, but don't be fooled, it really works. For me, I was soon able to fit into those new jeans and I've never felt better! So if you are thinking you can't achieve your weight loss goal, stop thinking that. Go back to your reason for wanting to lose weight and put your "why" in front of you. It's exactly the type of motivation that will soon have you losing weight and looking great! You can learn more about how to achieve your Weight Loss Goals as well as much more information on dieting and weight loss at http://www.FatLoss4IdiotsReview.net Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Edwards |
Weight Loss - Fat Burning Tips for Advanced Weight Loss- Not for Beginners!
Who else wants advanced fat burning workout and nutrition tips? Here are two fat loss secrets to help you lose more fat fast. Previously, I put together an extensive list of the most important things a beginner-to-fat-loss should do to get the ball rolling... Now today, I'm going to discuss what you need to do if you are getting close to your goal and need some advanced fat loss tips. 1) Don't cut calories too much. This is something that happens a lot as people get closer to their goals, and especially when people hit a fat loss plateau. But you can't do it. Here's why. Among other things, your food intake and energy balance help to control your metabolism (most likely by altering levels of various hormones in your body). When you cut your calories too much, you probably knock your hormones levels for a loop, causing them to send a collective message to your body that you are not getting enough to energy in...and therefore, that shuts down your fat loss systems. Here's one reader's account of the pitfalls of an excessively low calorie diet... "I'm on the weight loss track again. I found I wasn't eating enough calories (1000 kcal/day). Filling up on veggies is good (and I love them), but they don't have the calories. Eating walnuts/almonds helped get me there. Eating 1500+ is where I need to stay to lose weight and keep my energy up. I've dropped about 3 pounds this week." - Holly With men, I generally cringe when I hear they are eating less than 1800 calories per day (and are trying to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time). And with women, anything less than 1500 calories per day. So you probably want to stay above those levels, and definitely avoid any sharp, sudden decreases in your energy intake. 2) Don't exercise too much. For very similar reasons to point #1. Exercise intensity and frequency also help to control your hormone levels. If you over-exercise (i.e. tonnes of cardio everyday, weight training everyday, etc.), then your body doesn't get a chance to recover and keep your hormones at the correct level. After all, exercise is another form of stress on your body...and you all know how your body and mind can get messed up from too much stress. Resist the urge to exercise for the sake of exercise. Don't go adding 60 minute stairmaster sessions everyday before breakfast if you're already on a well-designed, consistent workout schedule. That could be too much stress on your body. Stick to structured, purposeful exercise. I've been around the exercise block so to speak, and I often know how much is too much for most fitness levels. A great way to accelerate your fat burning is by adding in some bodyweight circuits (starting at 10 minutes per day and working up to 20 minutes maximum) done in the morning or evening. (If you do your regular workout in the AM, do your bodyweight circuits after dinner; otherwise, do the bw circuits first thing in the AM, and then do your regular workout at lunch or later in the afternoon or evening.) After two weeks, take a break from this routine and allow your body to recover. Two other things you can do during this two weeks of extra training... a) Add 10 seconds to the length of each interval. b) Add 1 set to each of the exercises in the first Superset of the workout. So now you have more volume, performed at a high-intensity of course, but without over-taxing your hormonal system. But remember, you should only do this increased training volume for 2 weeks. Then you need to take a break and reduce the training volume to normal - to allow your body to adapt and recover. More fat burning workout and exercise tips to come. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info. Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all. Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Ballantyne |
Weight Loss - Fat Loss - It's So Easy, You Just Won't Believe It!
By cleaning up your food you will experience dramatic improvements and even lose body fat 'effortlessly' when combined with regular training. You simply eat clean - spread your food out as you go about your day and train hard and the body fat just falls off. It's a great place to be and you may even get to where you want to be doing this. Nothing wrong with that at all. Ultimate results, though require a little more precision. To get that extra bit of leanness though or if you want to get down to walking around fairly ripped or even completely shredded you will need to put a bit more work in. Fat loss is very basic. Remember, food is now fuel for your body to train. Your body will need fuel to train and go about its day and any fat loss plan is designed to give it most of the fuel it will need through food but with a small deficit each day so that it will have to draw on the body fat that it has stored up over the years to meet the shortfall. Over time your stores decrease until you are left with a body that looks ripped and rock hard because the fat that covered your muscles is gone. If it is so simple, then why is there a multi-billion dollar weight loss industry and so many people crashing and burning? Well, there's a combination of factors. Societal conditioning and lies about food and what is healthy are a big part. Lifestyle and mental factors are also a major reason. People are simply unwilling to change who they are and become who they need to be to get the body they want. But the one greatest factor we believe why people simply fail when it comes to fat loss is a lack of structure. Without a clear idea of EXACTLY what needs to be done each and every day you are doomed to wander aimlessly around your fat loss goals like the masses, forever questioning and tinkering with no idea where they are going only to throw your hands up in frustration. To not end up like the disillusioned majority, you need to start at the beginning. It's not about jumping into a certain diet or training plan. You need to know the one critical factor that underpins all fat loss. Only then can you begin to work out an exact plan of training and eating that is customized for your body to turn it into a Fat Burning, Muscle Building Machine that will see you getting results as quickly as possible. To get off the frustration treadmill and once and for all discover the one critical factor that underpins all fat loss, click this link now: http://www.ultimatebodysuccess.com/freeReport.php Ben Kong is the author and co-creator of Ultimate Body Success - The Impossible To fail, Total Lifestyle System For Creating Your Best Body Ever. Ultimate Body Success is dedicated to helping you finally understand that long lasting, body transformation is only possible when you understand how the body really works - only then can you trigger it's very own natural system for creating your best body ever. While there are no short-cuts, this is THE EASIEST WAY. Click the link now to find out once and for all how to profoundly transform your body beyond belief. http://www.ultimatebodysuccess.com Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_Kong |
Weight Loss - Firm Up - The Firm Weight Loss System
The firm weight loss system works by combining cardiovascular workouts with weight training in order to maximize your body's ability to burn off fat as well as calories. The firm weight loss system also helps give you increased energy apart from toning your muscles and boosting the level at which you burn calories. When you look great, you feel great. And when you feel great, you also gain more self-confidence. The method The firm weight loss system uses a method called synergy training or the combination of a cardiovascular workout and weight training. In synergy training, workouts vary in intensity levels throughout the program. It uses interval training in order to achieve improvements in fitness levels better and faster. It also sequences its exercises, enabling you to alternate between lower and upper body exercises. Doing this provides you in turn with enough energy to maximize the effect of an exercise, revving up your heart rate as well for more calories burned. Aside from those, the firm weight loss system also makes use of variable resistance. This means that you get to use only weight that you can handle, and suit your fitness level. Maximizing fat loss Alternating between light-weight and moderate-intensity workouts with heavy-weight and high-intensity workouts maximizes fat loss for you. The light-weight workout enables you to burn a larger amount of calories during the course of your exercise while the heavy-weight workout builds muscles in your body so that you are able to burn off calories even after the exercise. Building muscle is your best bet in burning more calories and losing more fat. The more muscles you have, the more amounts of fat you will burn. Aside from that, alternating between levels of intensity doesn't allow your body to get accustomed to a particular fitness level. This means that you don't reach the fitness plateau, ensuring that you get continuous burning of fat and calories in your body. Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phillip_England |
Weight Loss - Gotten The Best Fat Loss Supplement? Don't End Up Pathetic! Part 1
Here's 4 obvious signs of the current pathetic state of fat loss aspirants whom one of them may be you:- * It's a fact - 95% of the people who go on conventional diets gain all the weight back and sometimes they end up fatter than when they started. * If you've ever started a diet, then smashed into the dreaded "plateau," it's probably because you cannibalized your own muscle and slowed down your metabolism. * When you mention bodybuilders, some people think of steroids or fat burning drugs. It's sad but true - most pro bodybuilders take them. But the joke's on them. Drugs work, but the results are temporary and the side effects are nasty. The tiny handful of natural bodybuilders who have learned how to use training and nutrition science to alter body composition without drugs are the only people in the world who keep their fat loss and muscle gains permanently. * 97% of all supplements are a waste of money. You are being lied to and ripped off by crooked companies that don't care about your health and well-being. Every day, you're bombarded by so much conflicting advice about fat loss. Some "gurus" tell you to eat low carbs, others tell you to eat high carbs. Some say calories don't count, others say count your calories. Some say eat high protein, others tell you too much protein is bad for you. Some say eat fat to lose fat, others say eat fat and you get fat. All these so-called "experts" make arguments that sound completely logical. Sometimes they even give you long lists of scientific references to back up their claims. But who are you supposed to believe? Unfortunately..the more you study and read, the more confused you Get... Are your current sources of information still trustworthy? There's only one thing worse than the sheer quantity of conflicting advice that's circulating these days - That is, you never know if you're getting the truth or if someone's lying to try to sell you something. Before you jump on the bandwagon with the latest diet or supplement "guru" you should ask yourself some serious questions if you are a rational individual: * Don't you find it odd that the people who write these "Supplement review" books are supplement companies? * Doesn't it seem suspicious that 50% of the "editorial material" in most major muscle magazines is about the latest "breakthroughs" in nutritional supplements when the magazines own the supplement companies? * If supplements are so effective, then why do new ones keep coming out every year - what happened to last year's "miracle" supplement? * If there were pills or supplements that really increased fat loss to any noticeable degree, then why are there more overweight people today than ever before in history? Wouldn't everybody be leaner? Go back and read that last sentence again and really think about it. In the year 2004, Americans spent more than $40 billion on diets and weight loss products. According to the Nutrition Business Journal, the supplement industry reached an all time high of $16.1 billion in sales. 1,000 different manufacturers produce about 20,000 different products, which are consumed by 100 million people. With billions at stake, supplement and weight loss companies will tell you anything to get you to buy their products. And the fact is that the industry is so loosely regulated. Americans are fatter than ever and they're going to keep getting fatter unless they do something about it. The Surgeon General and the Center for Disease Control (CDC) tell us that more than 120 million Americans - 60% of the adult population - are overweight! Statistics from the CDC also prove that the problem is getting worse. This means that the way people are dieting today is not only ineffective, it's less effective than ever before. Why is this so? To Be Continued... Part 2 of this series will reveal the answer to the question above to let you gain a better understanding of the current situation faced by fat loss aspirants. Janny is a 24 year old female working in a management consultancy firm. She specialises in the financial services industry. Through blogging, she expresses her humble opinions and shares her real world experience in beauty, health and financial freedom. Click Here to tell Janny if she is happy and wealthy" Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janny_Cole |
Weight Loss - Secrets of the Medifast Diet Revealed
Medifast Diet is the most successful Diet program today that helps men and women lose excess weight systematically and fast. Its popularity is due to the simplicity of the program and its effectiveness. So what exactly is the secret of this Diet program, how does it work and what are the benefits when compared to other programs, is what most people who want to start this program are asking. The most important aspect of this program is that it guarantees weight loss to the tune of 2-5 lbs per week, if you follow the rules totally. That is a tall claim for any program but Medifast has results derived from clinical studies to prove that their claim is absolutely true. This plan consisting of the low calorie meal replacements and meals combined with correct and adequate exercise is the magic pill for all those wanting to lose weight. This weight loss program is essentially for those who are excessively overweight and want to reduce their excess weight as this is not a short term weight loss program but a significant change in lifestyle. The basic feature of this Diet plan is that it starts with a weight loss diet plan which ensures that you eat the correct calorie count and lose weight. It then transitions into the next phase where you start eating all the foods that you had avoided during the weight loss phase and still ensure that your calorie intake is not very high. The third stage is that of maintaining the lost weight by changing your lifestyle and making healthy food choices and finally ensuring proper exercise is a part of your daily routine. Another important aspect of the Medifast Diet Plan is that it believes in making people eat smaller portions that are less on calorie count at regular intervals. The Medifast Diet Plan believes that deprivation will not yield good results. In other words, if you are on it then you will never be hungry as you eat every 2-3 hours. The low calorie meal replacements that are used in this Plan ensure that your calorie intake is just below the requisite amount so that it helps burn the excess fat in the body. The Medifast Plan not only believes that you should have correct amount of food but also stresses the importance of water for the body. According to the Diet plan, a human body should consume at lease 64oz of water every day in addition to the other fluids that you take. Lastly the most important aspect of the Medifast Diet is that all meal replacements are easy to make and very tasty. All you have to do is just add water to the replacements and either refrigerate it or put it in the microwave and your meal is ready to eat. Gone are the days when you had to count the exact amount that you put in and cook properly thereby spending more time. Your meal's just that fast and instant and also tasty! Also the variety that is available with Medifast Meal Supplements is unmatchable and never leaves you feeling bored or on a diet. Did You Find this Medifast article Helpful? Would you like find out more Info on The Medifast Diet? Then please be our guest over at http://www.byebyeextrapounds.com.com Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexander_Bryant |
Weight Loss - Weight Loss Food Recipe
The path to weight loss is not easy. This is a known fact. However, there are simple solutions to weight problems, which work much better than synthetic weight loss products that often have serious side effects. A weight loss food recipe is one answer to all your weight woes. Designed to make you eat less, a weight loss food recipe serves to jumpstart your weight loss regime and achieve that ideal body you have always wanted. Cut down on calories A weight loss food recipe varies, depending on who is promoting it. Nevertheless, a weight loss food recipe is designed to make you lose weight but cutting down on your caloric intake. Below is a typical weight loss food recipe: Chicken Burger with Salad Ingredients: Cooking Method: 1. Broil chicken on both sides for 4-5 minutes each side. 2. Split the bun, lightly toast and top with cooked chicken, ketchup and salad. Sounds delicious right? There are tons of recipes that provide healthy and fat free foods that are very low in calorie count. However, there are also recipes out there that sell the not-so tasty alternative. Options Different recipes are available over the internet. These recipes vary. Others promote a strictly vegetarian diet, supposedly aiding in detoxifying your body and ridding it of fat at the same time. Others promote a juice diet, taking in different fruit juices plus 8+ glasses of water each day to 'cleanse' the body. Healthy Hundreds of recipes are available and it is very important to know which ones are effective and which ones are fraudulent. The best way is to take a sample recipe obtained through the internet, take it to a doctor, and have it evaluated. That way, you can know whether that weight loss food recipe is okay for you to follow and whether it is safe. Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phillip_England |
Weight Loss - Exercise and Fat Loss - Amazing Ways to Proven Fat Loss
Exercise and fat loss may take a lot of effort and oftentimes, the rewards aren't always that evident immediately. But no matter how long or how tough it is to lose that stubborn fat, bear in mind that these small steps could equal any giant leap when taken together. Follow these simple steps for proper exercise and fat loss; you will not only lose fat effectively, but keep it off as well. Exercise Any Chance You Get Keep moving. Make yourself busy with errands. Walk or ride a bike instead of driving to the store. If you do take the car, park as far away from the entrance as possible and walk the rest of the way there. Do the same at work. Shun the elevator and make a beeline for the stairs. Take a walk around your office building for fifteen minutes during lunch. At home, perform household chores ' from the dishes to the laundry. Not only are you getting a nifty workout, you're getting things done, too. Remember, as long as you're on the move, you're burning calories. Muscle burns fat and calories all day long, even when you stay put and do absolutely nothing. Therefore, build more muscle! Do weights or strength training as this boosts metabolism, so that you're still losing the fat long after you've cooled down. You may notice at first that your body seems to be doing anything but lose weight, but that only means you're gaining muscle tissue, which will then help you lose fat and drop the pounds eventually. When doing aerobic or cardiovascular exercises, the best time for this would be first thing in the morning, when your body does not have any carbohydrates to burn. To get the energy needed for your workout, your body will burn fat instead. Make sure you drink lots of water beforehand, though, to prevent dehydration. One great motivation for having a proper exercise and fat loss program, as well as building muscle tissue, is the food you get to eat. If you've got plenty of muscles, then you can afford to eat a little more; and you don't have to worry about your body hoarding all the calories as the muscle will just burn them right up anyway. That's not to say, however, that you're free to gorge on all the chips and sweets you can eat to your heart's desire (and demise). Neither should you deprive yourself of the occasional treat. Moderation is key. Remember, proper diet and nutrition go hand in hand with exercise. Lose the Lard by Eating Right Eat frequently but not heavily. Eating five or six small meals throughout the day is ideal than eating three bigger meals. Do not plunge yourself headlong into this, leaving no room to get accustomed to it. Take time to adjust, until you are comfortable with fewer portions at every meal. This strategy also helps the body absorb nutrients more efficiently as it has fewer amounts to work on each time. Keep in mind to consume the most food at breakfast, and the least at dinner, as you have a whole day ahead of you to burn those calories you acquired in the morning. Never allow yourself to get hungry as this slows metabolism considerably. When that happens, your body is not able to burn as much fat as you would like. Instead, it will only get 'greedy' and will want to hold on to whatever you feed it when you do decide to eat, thus, making it more difficult to shed the extra fat. Do not load up on carbohydrates, as this will keep your body too preoccupied to concentrate on the fat. Eat protein-rich foods like fish, poultry, eggs, beans, milk, and tofu, because protein takes longer to digest and requires the most energy in doing so. Thus, the act of digesting is, in itself, a calorie buster. Fiber foods such as wheat bread will make you fuller faster and, like water, is also very effective in flushing out toxins from the body. Following a proper exercise and fat loss program really aren't that complicated after all. And don't worry about the smallest of actions not making the slightest bit of difference. They do. The numbers may be negligible, but they all add up eventually'and quite sizably, too. Self-help expert Michael Lee has prepared a FREE extreme fat-burning course that reveals amazing secrets on quick weight loss and how to lose belly fat fast at http://www.20daypersuasion.com/fat-secret.htm Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Lee |
Weight Loss - Free Low Cholesterol Diet Programs - Protecting Your Heart
Free low cholesterol diets now widely available online can help people manage their cholesterol problems. Sample menus and recipes can be downloaded and integrated to current diet programs. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy, spongy, fat-like substance found mainly in the bloodstream and in body cells. It is a lipid particle, which means it cannot be dissolved. Unknown to most people, however, cholesterol is a vital substance in maintaining a healthy body. It produces certain hormones and cell membranes. There are two types of cholesterol, the bad cholesterol and the good cholesterol. The "bad" cholesterol, commonly referred to as LDL (low density lipo-protein), is the one responsible for many cases of heart attacks. Excessive LDL cholesterol makes you more prone to coronary ailments. When there is a high level of LDL cholesterol circulating in your blood, your arteries will form a bulky solid deposit called plaque. This will make your arteries less flexible and result in blockage of blood flow. Strokes or heart attacks can follow. Where does cholesterol come from and how can you control it? About 75% of blood cholesterol come from the body's cells and the liver; 25% from food intake. Genetics can explain why your body's cells or liver produce excessive cholesterol. If you have inherited a liver that produces blood cholesterol at an excessive amount, it definitely means that you need a change in diet. A low cholesterol diet can supplement your current diet program. You may consider integrating a low cholesterol diet with your current weight loss program. Select which foods under the low cholesterol diet can best replace your existing weight loss program. Where can I find free low cholesterol diets online? The Internet can be a convenient and practical source of free low cholesterol diet menus and recipes. For example, Americanheart.org is a website that explains in an easy to understand manner how high cholesterol is triggered. It contains free low cholesterol diet menus, as well as articles on diseases resulting from high cholesterol levels. Loweringcholesterol.net publishes alternative herbal medication for high cholesterol. It provides free low cholesterol diet recipes and menus and information on herbal medicines. Ediets.com provides free low cholesterol diet recipes and low fat diet menus. It will also guide you on how to plan your meals. Flor Serquina is a successful Webmaster and publisher of The-Good-Diet.com. She provides more information on topics such as free low cholesterol diets, food list for South Beach diet and diet to lower triglycerides that you can research on her website even while lounging in your living room. Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Flor_Serquina |